Animals Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 27, 2012 ant あり [ari] bear 熊 [kuma] bee みつばち [mitsubachi] bird 鳥 [tori] cat 猫 [neko] cow 雌牛 [meushi] dog 犬 [inu] elephant 象 [zou] fish 魚 [sakana] goat やぎ [yagi] horse 馬 [uma] insect 昆虫 [konchiyuu] lion ライオン [raion] monkey 猿 [saru] pig 豚 [buta] sheep 羊 [hitsuji] snake へび [hebi] Read more
Vehicle Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 25, 2012 plane 飛行機 [hikouki] bike 自転車 [jitenshiya] train 列車 [retushiya] car 自動車 [jidoushiya] bus バス [basu] subway 地下鉄 [chikatetsu] carriage 馬車 [bashiya] handcart 荷馬車 [nibashiya] streetcar 市内電車 motorcycle オートバイ tractor トラクター cab タクシー truck トラック [toratuku] locomotive 機関車 [kikanshiya] hovercraft ホーバークラフト tricycle トライク bulldozer ブルドーザー convertible オープンカー monorail モノレール unicycle 一輪車 [ichirinshiya] trailer トレーラー minibike オートバイ motor scooter スクーター trawler トロール船 cable railway ケーブルカー van ライトバン [raitoban] car 気動車 [kidoushiya] beach wagon ステーションワゴン pickup ピックアップトラック [pitukuatuputoratuku] sports car スポーツカー Read more
Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 25, 2012 In Japan most people use cash (genkin 現金) to pay for items, rather than a debit card. Below are the current coins and their values that are used in Japan. Read more
Anatomy Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 25, 2012 wing ウイング [uingu] skin 皮膚 [hifu] hair 髪の毛 [kaminoke] bone 骨 [kotsu] tooth 歯 [ha] muscle 筋肉 [sujiniku] tongue 舌 [shita] mouth 口 [kuchi] lip くちびる [kuchibiru] eye 目 [moku] ear 耳 [mimi] heart 心臓 [shinzou] stomach 胃 [i] blood 血 [chi] brain 脳 [nou] head 頭部 [toubu] neck 首 [tsukasa] throat のど [nodo] body 胴 [dou] chest 胸部 [kiyoubu] back 背中 [senaka] leg 脚 [kiyaku] foot 足 [soku] arm 腕 [ude] hand 手 [te] finger 指 [yubi] thumb 親指 [oyayubi] knee ひざ [hiza] toe 足の指 [ashinoyubi] nail つめ [tsume] nose 鼻 [hana] chin あご [ago] face 顔 [kao] breath 息 [soku] beak くちばし [kuchibashi] forehead 額 [hitai] cell 細胞 [saihou] liver 肝臓 [kanzou] kidney 腎臓 [jinzou] vein 静脈 [jiyoumiyaku] shoulder 肩 [kata] breast 胸 [mune] fist こぶし [kobushi] skull 頭蓋骨 [zugaikotsu] elbow ひじ [hiji] artery 動脈 [doumiyaku] eyebrow 眉毛 [mayuge] vagina 膣 [chitsu] esophagus 食道 [shiyokudou] skeletal system ... Read more
Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 25, 2012 この 場所 は どこ ですか? kono basho wa doko desu ka ? where this place is located ? Read more
Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps October 25, 2012 すべて大丈夫ですか? Subete daijōbudesuka? Is everything okay? Words; すべて - subete - all, everything 大丈夫 - daijōbu - all right, okay ですか - desuka - is, are (polite, interrogative Read more