揚げ足を取る [あげあしをとる, ageashi o toru] trip up somebody

足が遅い [あしがおそい, ashi ga osoi] be slow; be a slow walker; be slow on one’s feet

足がつく [あしがつく, ashi ga tsuku] leave tracks

足が遠退く [あしがとおのく, ashi ga toonoku] be far away; keep away; visit less often

足が速い [あしがはやい, ashi ga hayai] be fast; be a fast walker; be fast on one’s feet

足が速める [あしがはやめる, ashi ga hayameru] pick up the pace; walk faster

足でまとい [あしでまとい, ashi de matoi] a drag; a person who is a burden

足止めをする [あしどめをする, ashidome o suru] slow down; stop

足取りをする [あしどりをする, ashidori o suru] trip someone up

足並みをそろえて [あしなみをそろえて, ashinami o soroete] cooperate

足元に付け込む [あしもとにつけこむ, ashimoto ni tsukekomu] have a person at a disadvantage

足元の明るいうちに [あしもとのあかるいうちに, ashimoto no akarui uchi ni] a thing should be done before it is too late

足を洗う [あしをあらう, ashi o arau] go straight; become a decent person; turn over a new leaf

足を奪われる [あしをうばわれる, ashi o ubawareru] be deprived of

足を出す [あしをだす, ashi o dasu] reveal a secret; let the cat out of the bag


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